You have learned well my young Padawan

I have an apprentice and pleased as Yoda am I…..

One of the things I have always imagined when I looked to the future of myself with children was sitting teaching them to knit and this afternoon that dream was realised. My eldest , who is about 2 weeks away from being 8, was watching me sew name labels into her younger sisters school uniform and asked if she could help “I’d really like to do some sewing…..or knitting…yeah, that’s what I realy, REALLY want to do…..”

So, I found some suitably sized needles, large size so they are easy to hold and knit up quickly but fairly short so they are not unmanageable – I finally dug out some old wooden needles that were my grandmas (she used to call them her “string vest” needles) they are 10mm needles but only about 11″ long and being wooden they are nice to the touch. Then I dug out some wool – I decided on Twilleys Freedom. It’s 100% wool and very soft to the touch, it’s fairly chunky so the knitting grows pretty quick and the couple of balls I dug out were in a variegated blue so the fabric would knit up a little more interesting than a plain yarn.

I cast on 15 stitches for her and showed her how to make a knit stitch and she was off…

First Try

with very little input from me aside from the odd screamed “Help, mum…it’s all gone wrong” as the stitches slipped off the needles or she wrapped the yarn the wrong way! She sat working away happily shouting out excitedly every time she finished another row and, after about an hour of knitting she had produced this –

First Knitting

It may only be 6 rows of garter stitch but to her it’s a real achievement and (so okay, I may just be a proud mum) I think that’s pretty good for a not-quite-8-year-old who has never knit a stitch before! She has informed me it is going to be the longest scarf in the world, EVER! and that she is going to knit every day.

My husband walked in as she was knitting and said, “oh no – a convert. What have you started?” I prefer to think of her as an apprentice and I’m rather proud of myself as well as I’ve never taught anyone to knit before.

About Wendy

Mother of three, wife of one, guide leader, knitter, scrap booker, cake maker, reader, and more.
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6 Responses to You have learned well my young Padawan

  1. Anne says:

    Yay! I think it looks pretty good too – in fact compared to the 17-year-old aspiring dentist I tried to teach last year it’s amazing. (My student is a bright girl, but in several weeks she didn’t manage even half what your daughter did in 30 min.)

  2. Bwahahaha – got her! Acutally, that’s a really impressive first swatch. It looks incredibly even and the edges are very straight. When I was 8yo, I think my mum cast on 10sts for me and by the time I was bored with it it was about 20 sts wide. The marvels of split yarn!

  3. Roo says:

    Yipee. Another knitter. How long before the others want to get in on the act??? Well done! And lovely to have you back :o)

  4. romelda mckee says:

    so much fun to see you blog and bringing a new knitter into the wonderdul world of knitting…hooray!!!

  5. Lisa L says:

    Yay! What a wonderful job! Now you’ll have to double your stash . . . . 😉

  6. janey says:

    I gosh!! you must be so proud!! there will be mini socks soon!

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